Finally! A scrap weekend that isn't work! The girls and I have rented a cabin in Tickfaw for the entire weekend to scrap, laugh and just plain have FUN!
It feels like I have been away from my family a lot these past couple of months. I truly miss them when I am gone. But I have to say, being a SAHM is HARD work. The whole summer thing is about to drive me insane. Seriously, I may need to up my meds. I decided (why, someone tell me why!) to keep them home and not send them to camp. Let me say that this was a BAAAAADDD decision. And now it's too late for camp. I am at wits end with all of the fighting, screaming, running around, did I say fighting, and everything else that goes on when your kids stay home ALL summer. UUGGHH!
So, yes, I will be leaving my family again this weekend. However, at this point in my life, it is necessary for my sanity. And their LIVES!
A new year
14 years ago
All I can say is... Let's go. As I was sitting in the theater this morning with a million daycare kids and a couple of houdlums that burst forth from my womb, I aked myself,"Now why did I lose my mind for a second and decide to do this?" Jimmy Neutron, loser, stale popcorn and a whining youngun beside me apparently wasn't enough. I then take the girls to the scrapbook store, Chik-fil-a (hell with some waffle fries) Michael's(where in frustration and a telling off of a cashier(male), I elegantly dropped tampons on the floor while removing my keys from my purse.)Then we head to the Mexican restaurant to have my girls spit spitballs, shake their glitter hairspray on the table, and stop up the toilet. All this fun in one day leads me to say... I have got to get out of here for a bit. I love them, but it is really nice to go away... miss them... and then come back to hugs and kisses. Already packing the van.....